✸ frequently asked questions ✸

or I guess, perhaps not so frequently, depending on who you ask... but here be the answers you could possibly seek...

why a website if I can find you on other socials?
While I still appreciate modern social media and all the community it offers, I often found it lacking in an ability to share everything I want. Where else can I host my art, writing, ramblings, and ideas all in one spot other than my own website? And when I found neocities, it felt just right, a place where I can experiment with webmastery and create a unique corner of the internet just for me - not controlled by any corporate overlords.

I've also found I seem to have a big distate for posting on places like twitter and insta now. They feel very short-term focused when I want to cultivate a space where I feel free to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and at whatever pace feels right. And I think, once I start experimenting with HTML more and finding a groove with making my own website, I'll find this much more rewarding.

you're really inconsistent!!! bruh!!!
I'm a full-time doctoral student who also works and also tries to enjoy life. All I can really offer you in explanation for my usual absence is: shit takes time, I probably have ADHD which makes it all 10x worse, and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

art/creating related

what do you use for digital art?
an 11 inch iPad Pro 2022 (4th edition?), 2nd Generation Apple Pencil, and Procreate 5!

what brushes do you use?
My biggest advice is to experiment, but I do have a few favorites. Of the defaults, I really like the technical pencil, 6B pencil, and HB pencil! Sometimes I use the Tinderbox one for flats coloring. Though, admittedly, I go through brush phases so there is no gurantee that this is accurate to what I currently use! I have a few paid packs I really adore: Vivibrush I & II, Retro Maxpack, TGTS Chromagraph, TGTS KolorMarc, and the RetroSupply Risograph set! Genuinely, genuinely, just experiment, no one tool or process works for everyone.

what canvas size do you use?
Typically somewhere from 1200px square to 2000px square, cropped as needed! 300 dpi always.

what do you edit/record on?
I edit with Final Cut Pro X. I film on either a Canon EOS M50 or my iPhone 11! Speedpaints are done using either the screen recording function of the iPad or a Procreate speedpaint export.

do you have an uploading/posting schedule?
That's part of the magic of not making my art a business, I can do whatever I want! So, unless I'm doing a challenge of some sort, usually no schedule! You see me when you see me, like a creation fairy. :)


have a question you think should go here? shoot me a DM over on instagram or twitter, I'm sure to see it.

last updated: 9 nov 2023