2024 media WIP
last updated: 22 mar 2024
this is a heavy work in progress, if you hover and the cursor doesn't change, or you click and it does nothing, the page has not yet been made for that media! but this page still works as a visual representation of my media digestion for the year.

currently consuming:

Whoa, hey! Thanks for taking a look at what I've been taking a look at this year. I'll admit, 95% of the reason why I made this was because I really love how dithered images look and I like to log my media in a visual way - at this point, I have a notion database, my physical journal, and my website. But I think my website is going to be my favorite, as I can put multiple reviews from the same year or across years and see what changes!! It's not a pretty grid, and it's not the most intuitive, but I made it and I like it. And it'll be fun to see how my media collection pages change over the years, but for now, simple and easy to upkeep is most important.
misc page credit
page code assist: ribo.zone's hover text and hillhouse's jquery organizatonal snippit! note to self, using the dithermark with width 250px and bayer 16x16 for large images on review/shrine pages, height 250px and bayer 16x16 for small pages for this gallery view!
images usually are sourced from the publishing house for the books (i.e. the penguin random house website), TMDB or IMDB for the films/tv, and others are found through ye olde google. naturally, i own none of the images here.